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 Product Description

Think of it as your one-stop resource for safeguarding crucial CT and MR revenues

Your facility generates substantial revenue from high-volume CT and MR procedures. But could your department be doing better? Miscoding and non-compliant billing continue to be rampant across the country, according to our radiology experts. Certain areas, such as combination studies (e.g., CTA with CT, MRA with MRI) and the documentation required for CTA studies, are especially problematic.

Our CT/MR Coder book is specifically focused on empowering you to capture every dollar of revenue that’s rightfully yours — regardless of the complexity involved. Using easy-to-understand language, we define and dissect every CPT® code: what it is, what it isn’t, exactly how it should be used, and the documentation needed to support its assignment. Augmenting these explanations are actionable tips, case examples, at-a-glance tables and other timesaving tools to give you the answers you’re seeking.

Features and Benefits

Updated and expanded content, including:

  • New, deleted and revised codes for CT/MR services, including the new category III codes.
  • Instruction for new parenthetical guideline revisions
  • Information on the AUC/CDSM program
  • Updated tips, guidance and FAQs addressing common problem areas, such as CT/CTA, breast MRI, soft tissue MRI and code unbundling

Our experts address common questions, concerns, and problem areas:

  • In-depth guidance with commonly miscoded procedures and areas of confusion, including 3D post-processing (reconstructed spines), CT guidance, CT vs. CTA, CTA of the abdominal aorta, MRA and whole-body scans
  • Guidance with codes for breast MRI, breast CT and MR elastography
  • Answers to frequently asked questions, such as “What documentation is needed to code CTA”
  • Confusion surrounding the use (and overuse) of codes CPT codes 76376/76377 for 3D rendering

Clear, step-by-step guidance through the tasks you perform every day:

  • Coding for a full range of CT and MR procedures, including CTA, CTC, MRI, MRA, MRS and MRV
  • Covers code assignments by both hospital (technical) and physician (professional) entities
  • Help with accurately interpreting physician documentation to determine correct coding

A proven quick-reference approach for busy professionals:

  • Codes are grouped by body system (e.g., head and neck) and then by code sequence
  • Each section includes:
    • Procedure definitions with corresponding CPT/HCPCS codes
    • Coding guidelines and billing tips
    • Payment tables with codes, MPFS status, RVUs, OPPS APC information, and payment rates
    • Numerous case examples to help you make the connection between procedures and correct code assignments


CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.


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