Are your reimbursements poor because you haven’t kept up with the medical marketplace? Third party payers don’t hesitate informing your patients that you’ve exceeded their UCRs… but have your patients ever been told that the doctor is undercharging? Do you have the resources to negotiate contracts with managed care firms (HMOs & PPOs)? Knowing what others charge and what insurance carriers may allow is necessary for the success of your practice. Information is your best resource in today’s competitive marketplace. Since 1983, the PFR has been used by providers, payers, and consultants nationwide for it’s valuable coding and fee information. - Provides Updated 50th (median), 75th, & 90th Percentiles in U.S. Dollars.
- The PFR is the first and original national fee guide.
- Over 7,000 CPT®Codes – including fee information for many new CPT Codes
- Medicare RBRVS Units with National Fees & Global Fee Periods
- Thousands of CPT Coding & Billing Tips, Hints, Alerts, Warnings, and Traps
- Fees for All U.S. Zipcode Prefixes.
- Official CPT Full Descriptions
- Excellent for Negotiating Managed Care Contracts
- Helps Review, Fine-Tune, or Design a Fee schedule.
- An Essential Tool for Practice Management