The Coding and Payment Guide for the Physical Therapist is your one-stop coding, reimbursement,
and documentation resource developed exclusively for physical therapy. Co-produced with the American
Physical Therapy Association, this comprehensive and easy-to-use guide is updated for 2022 and
organized by specialty-specific CPT® codes. Each code includes its official description and lay
description, coding tips, documentation and reimbursement tips, Medicare edits, and is cross-coded to
common ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes to complete the coding process. Getting to the code information
you need has never been so easy.
- Optum 360 Edge—Coproduced with APTA. The only resource for the physical therapist produced
with the American Physical Therapy Association.
- Procedure code icons. Quickly identify new, revised, add-on, and telemedicine procedure codes,
making your coding process for procedures and E/M services quick and efficient.
- ICD-10-CM code icons. Icons identifying male and female only codes, as well as age-related and
laterality diagnosis codes.
- Quickly find information. All the information you need is provided, including CPT full code
descriptions, lay descriptions, coding tips, procedure code-specific documentation and reimbursement
tips, clinical terms, Medicare IOM references, CPT Assistant references, and commonly associated
ICD-10-M diagnosis codes.
- CPT Assistant references. Identify that an article or discussion of the CPT code has been in the
American Medical Association’s CPT Assistant newsletter. Use the citation to locate the correct
- Avoid claim denials and/or audits. Medicare payer information includes references from Internet
Only Manual (IOM) guidelines, follow-up days, and assistant-at-surgery and modifier usage.
- CCI edits. Includes section with CCI Edits for CPT and HCPCS procedure codes with quarterly
updates available online.
- Easily determine fees for your practice and reinforce consistency in the charges. Relative value
units including the practice, work, and malpractice components with total RVUs for non-facility and
facility for CPT codes are included.
- Helpful illustrations. Detailed illustrations for a better understanding of therapy services.