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List Price: $199.95
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Your Price: $169.96

 Product Description

Consolidate the coding process with the Coding Companion, your one-stop coding resource developed exclusively for general surgery and gastroenterology. This comprehensive and easy-to-use guide is updated for 2023 and organized by specialty-specific CPT® codes. Each CPT® code includes its official description and lay description, coding tip, Medicare edits, and relative value units and is cross-coded to common ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes to complete the coding process. Getting to the code information you need has never been so easy.

Key Features and Benefits   


·      NEW – Evaluation and Management (E/M) Services Guidelines – E/M codes are used every day in your practice. Now with CPT® E/M Guidelines and our Optum Coding Tips, you have all the information you need to select the correct E/M code for the service provided. 

·      Quickly find information. All the information you need is provided with the CPT® code, including illustrations, lay descriptions, coding tips, clinical terms, Medicare RVUs and IOM references, and commonly associated ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes.

·      Procedure code icons – Quickly identify new, revised, add-on, and telemedicine procedure codes, making your coding process for procedures and E/M services quick and efficient.

·      ICD-10-CM code icons Icons identifying male and female only codes, as well as age-related and laterality diagnosis codes.

·      Easily determine fees for your practice and reinforce consistency in the charges. Relative value units including the practice, work, and malpractice components with the total RVUs for non-facility and facility are included.

·      CPT® Assistant references. Identifies that an article or discussion of the CPT® code has been in the American Medical Association’s CPT® Assistant newsletter. Use the citation to locate the correct volume.

·      Avoid claim denials and/or audits. Medicare payer information includes references to Internet Only Manual (IOM) guidelines, follow-up days, and assistant-at-surgery.

·      CCI edits by CPT® and HCPCS procedure code. CPT® and HCPCS procedure codes with their associated CCI edits are provided in a special section. Quarterly updates are available online at Optumcoding.com Product Update / Support page.


CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.


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